The value we deliver differs across various clients. Some of the key common values clients derive by hiring IBS are
Lean Organisation / Plug n Play Marketing Team

Building and managing a marketing team takes time, effort and money. If you have a growing business, you may not yet be ready to make that investment. Besides, the dynamic needs of business constantly need a varying set of marketing skills.
We at IBS, have created a plug-n-play solution- offering you instant access to a marketing team and services to fulfill several marketing roles. You can hire us for specific projects or specific roles. Our team of marketers then help run your marketing function. This is a flexible, efficient and quick solution if you need marketing brains and talent without all the hassles of doing it all by yourself.
So if you want a Leaner and simply more Efficient marketing function, then IBS is your one stop shop.
Saving Time & Cost
Hiring, on boarding, motivating and managing a team of marketers needs a fair investment of time. Finding and retaining talent is also a challenge. And then there are projects that need to be done but never get done because your team has their hands full. From creating a brief for your creative agency to delivering a website on time, from ensuring the tone of the content is right, to maintaining consistency in look and feel – we understand the effort that goes in to making marketing work for your business.
At IBS, we pride ourselves in attracting great marketing and managerial talent. As a client, you get to leverage our team to get your marketing projects done faster, better and within expected costs. Hiring us means you get a team that has a mindset that is unlike any agency you know and is infact, similar to your own. By keeping our thinking aligned to your business, we ensure that we remain sensitive and sensible about budgets, timelines and costs.

External Perspective / Marketing Advisory

Marketing thinking often needs you to step back from your business and look at the bigger picture, at the longer term. You may be trying to understand where you are headed, reset goals and the strategies to achieve them. Perhaps you have a specific problem that marketing can help solve. Sometimes you may just need help to align old and new methods of marketing and other times you want to create a new go-to-market plan. At such instances, you need a valuable, external perspective and some additional thinking power.
From brainstorming for marketing ideas to structured discussions on brand positioning or value proposition, we work with you through this mission-critical thinking process. We are unbiased, bringing in an external viewpoint with our experience as marketers across multiple businesses to all our consulting assignments. Our edge is that our work as outsourced marketers keeps us very grounded and clued in to business realities. This reflects in all our consulting work, keeping our perspective very hands-on, solution-centric and skewed towards making plans that can work.